In an 11-page letter written jointly by the National Chairperson and National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party and distributed to the entire membership, one would expect at least an attempt at a political analysis, but instead we get a long series of misrepresentations that answer none of the political points that had been raised. Much of the letter consists of quote mining my party application and personal correspondences to prove that I praised the party in the past and have now turned 180 degrees in a brief period, into some form of subjectivist, anarchist, pragmatist petty bourgeois, who if he continues on his current path, will become no better than those “political wretches” Steiner and Brenner. What the quotes from my text messages and emails really reflect is my own militancy and a regrettable willingness to psych myself into enthusiasm for the SEP because I identified it with revolutionary socialism.
That I changed my mind over the course of
several months hardly discredits my positions. Thankfully, a few months was
enough time to see through years of miseducation. The SEP has set up a
self-fulfilling prophecy here, because they kick out anyone as soon as they
have a disagreement. In fact, I had been uneasy about some of the party’s
politics for some time, especially after my experiences with the so-called
rank-and-file committees, but it was only after seeing the witch hunt against
Shuvu and then reading the critique by C and revisiting Trotsky’s writings that
everything clicked. Now, I can call the SEP’s politics by their proper name – sectarianism.
North and Kishore’s letter opens by declaring
that my provisional membership has been ended (by unanimous votes all the way
around), because the party is not open to anyone “who decides they are in
fundamental disagreement with the party’s program and perspective.” The main
“fundamental disagreement” in question was over the party’s abstentionist line
on the trade unions. If this constitutes grounds for expulsion/removal it
follows that if the party’s view on this issue (or any other) is wrong, it will
be incapable of correcting it, since it expels anyone who disagrees.
I want to emphasize that what triggered my
removal from the party was my statement in defense of Shuvu at a national
meeting. This was followed by a critical comment, directly addressing points
that had been raised during a discussion of trade unionism at a meeting of the
International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) National
Committee, of which I was a member. I was able to make most of this statement
but was cut off halfway through the last sentence, on the grounds that “this
wasn’t the place to express my disagreements.” When I protested this action in
the IYSSE Signal chat, I was removed from the committee without a vote, within
minutes of my first message in the chat. My silent excommunication from all
other party group chats happened about five minutes later. Genevieve, the
National Secretary of the IYSSE, displayed a remarkable lack of self-awareness
when she wrote “Your attempts to persuade comrades that you have been censored
have no validity” and then two sentences later said that she was “proposing” to
remove me from the chat. By “proposing,” she really meant that she was about to
do it unilaterally. If this isn’t censorship, then the word has no meaning.
The party leadership stooped even lower the
following week, in their slanderous letter of April 2, accusing Shuvu, among
other things, of being an agent of the RWDSU bureaucracy. I stand in complete solidarity
with Shuvu Batta against these vile attacks.
Shuvu and I have been denounced incessantly
for acting in a “totally unprincipled manner:” him for passing around documents
and me for expressing a disagreement during a national meeting. Yet the response
of the SEP has been to resort to personal attacks, slanders, and conspiracy
theories: are these principled politics?
Since North and Kishore have devoted so much
of their letter to my political history, I will try to briefly set the record
straight. I discovered the WSWS during the 2016 election, during a time when I
was putting my hopes for change in the Sanders campaign, even volunteering to
make phone calls and go door to door. After Sanders capitulated to the
Democratic Party, it became clear to me that this was not just the result of
political pragmatism, but rather of a conscious effort to uphold the prevailing
political system. The Marxist explanation of opportunism and class society
presented by the WSWS aligned with this experience. I saw an alternative in the
SEP, which presented itself as a world party and introduced me to the rich
history of the socialist movement.
I came into contact with the party in the fall
of 2018. Shuvu had contacted them a few weeks before, and together we launched
into an abortive effort to build a youth and student section at our college
campus. I was unsure of the party’s stance on the trade unions from the very
beginning, which is one of the reasons I waited a year and a half before
applying for membership, but I told myself that even if the SEP were wrong, it
was doing an important service by exposing the union bureaucracies. I held the
party in high regard, because I had come to see it as a lone voice speaking out
against imperialism and opportunism. During this period, I read Globalization and the International
Working Class
and Why are Trade Unions Hostile to
Socialism?, the two primary SEP essays justifying trade union abstentionism.
North writes, “In the space of little more
than 12 weeks, your appraisal of the SEP’s policies has undergone a complete
transformation,” but it would be more accurate to say that what underwent a
transformation was my appraisal of these two documents, which form the backbone
of the SEP’s whole perspective on the trade unions. However, I did not
“dismiss” either of them “with contempt,” as North says. In fact, I wrote that Globalization and the International Working
Class “made an important contribution, in that it outlined how
globalization has brought about a degeneration of the unions,” but I went on to
object that what had started as a correct opposition to union corporatism had
evolved into an unmitigated hostility toward carrying out any struggle in any
union. (I refer the reader to Chapter 5 of Marxism Without its
Head or its Heart
for a thorough discussion.)
North does not answer my point that in the 23
years since these two documents were published (two decades ago), the SEP has not produced a comparable theoretical
investigation of globalization, trade unionism, or any other feature of world
capitalism in the 21st century. Any healthy party would contain
multiple currents constantly striving to question and update old analyses,
which may after all be wrong. It is better to change your mind in 12 weeks than
to march in the wrong direction for a quarter century!
What accounts for my change in position is not
that I have abandoned my principles, but that as an inexperienced Marxist I
lacked the theoretical tools to see through the one-sided arguments made in
these texts. My real error is not that I changed my mind, but that, when I was
wrestling with these questions over a year ago, I did not more carefully study The Transitional Program and Trade Unions in the Epoch of
Imperialist Decay,
which demolish the position of the SEP. After reviewing The Transitional Program, it is hard to understand how I could have
ever believed that the SEP’s politics were consistent with those of Trotsky.
North writes, “When it comes to the unions,
the instruments of working-class suppression, you uphold their bureaucratically
imposed organizational discipline against the efforts of the party to develop
democratically organized rank-and-file committees.” I don’t know whether this
is a willful misrepresentation, or simply another example of mechanical
thinking, but I never suggested that anyone accept the authority of the
AFL-CIO. I’m well aware of the duplicity of the bureaucracies and how deeply
undemocratic these organizations are. But the reality is that tens of millions
of workers remain in unions and the only way to break the hold of the
bureaucracies over their lives is to fight them on the ground! This does not
for an instant entail subordinating the revolutionary party to the
bureaucracies. Let me quote Trotsky once more: “Only on the basis of such work within the trade unions is
successful struggle possible against the reformists, including those of the
Stalinist bureaucracy. Sectarian attempts to build or preserve small
‘revolutionary’ unions, as a second edition of the party, signify in actuality
the renouncing of the struggle for leadership of the working class.”
The SEP’s substitution of “rank-and-file
committees” for trade union work amounts to abandoning the workers in the
unions to struggle against the bureaucracies on their own. This is exactly why
Trotsky said that this sort of politics amounted to “renouncing of the struggle
for leadership” and a “betrayal of the revolution.” North claims that the party
has organized “democratically organized rank-and-file committees,” but
everything I know about these committees demonstrates that they are not
democratic. When’s the last time any of the committees had an election? (Of
course, you’d need members to have an election.) The reality is that party members
dictate absolutely every aspect of their work.
The party’s declaration a few days ago, on
April 23, that it will lead the construction of an “International Workers
Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees,” marks a “new stage” in nothing but the
SEP’s own illusions. I have no doubt that within a year, the WSWS will declare
that this international alliance has been successfully built, regardless of the
actual results. The International Amazon Workers Voice was declared into
existence not long ago in a similar manner. That project seems to have largely
been dropped. Perhaps if it had truly given voice to anything other than the
WSWS editorial board, it would have fared better. We did, in fact, get to hear
from an Amazon worker recently, but the SEP has done everything it could to
silence him, and now resorts to character assassination.
The source of my change in position, according
to North, is a swell of “disorientation among broad sections of the petty
bourgeoisie.” This is exactly the kind of empty name-calling I objected to in
my letter to Marc. For evidence of the petty-bourgeois roots of my “political
implosion,” North relies completely on a misrepresentation of my criticisms of
the party’s handling of Jimmy Dore: “Your call for the ‘probing of the
political issues’ means nothing other than adapting the party to Dore’s
reactionary political arena, in which his program provides a forum where
socialists and neo-Nazis can mutually explore, in search of points of
agreement, their approaches to the fight against bourgeois liberalism.”
I did not suggest that Jerry White engage in a
discussion with the boogaloo boy, nor did I indicate, as North claims I did,
that “the issue of discussing with fascists was a minor point, barely deserving
more than a passing comment.” My argument was that Jerry should have explained
the reasons that socialists can’t
ally with fascists—that it’s not just a question of individuals but of
delineating a program of political independence for the working class, etc. The
SEP, committed to its sectarianism, thinks the only two options are
capitulation or denunciation. Over the following days and weeks, rather than
recognizing and patiently explaining the source of Dore’s confusion, the WSWS
doubled down, falsely labeling Dore as a fascist sympathizer.
North claims that, in defending Shuvu during
the national aggregate, it was my “intention to ambush the party leadership and
dishonestly present Batta as a victim of undemocratic methods.” Does North
honestly maintain that, had I made my intention to address Shuvu’s case known
in advance, I would have been allowed to speak? As for whether these were
undemocratic methods, by North’s own admission, the reason for Shuvu’s
expulsion was that he “chose to ignore the decisions of the New York branch on
how to conduct an organized discussion on the political differences that he had
announced only a week before.” In other words, Shuvu attempted to have
one-on-one discussions with other members. Democratic centralism does not imply
that the branch has the power to impose any demand whatsoever on its members.
The branch’s declaration, after the fact, that Shuvu was prohibited from
internally distributing or discussing a document, was never legitimate.
North goes on: “Your intervention on his
behalf was of an ex parte unprincipled
character. Acting as Batta’s attorney, you substituted your personal
relationship for the established constitutional mechanisms relating to party
discipline.” What this legal jargon has to do with revolutionary socialism I
don’t know. I did not act as Shuvu’s attorney or make my intervention on the
basis of a personal relationship. I did my duty as a revolutionary in defending
the political rights of my comrade. My statement was not of an “ex parte unprincipled character,” since
the opposing side – the entire SEP leadership – was present and had a full two
hours to rebut my two 5-minute statements. As I mentioned in my remarks, the
disciplinary actions in the New York Branch were carried out without Shuvu’s
presence. Shuvu was given no opportunity to personally defend himself to the
entire branch. If North wants to discuss a proceeding carried out in an “ex parte unprincipled character,” we
should start there.
North accuses me, in Trotsky’s words, of
“clique ties” but does my previous acquaintance with Shuvu rule out any
political intervention in his defense? No. I do not take the tie of comradeship
so lightly as North and Kishore. In any case, the accusation of “clique ties”
applies above all to the SEP leadership, which has concentrated all political
power in the hands of the clique located in Detroit. And what of the questions
I raised on elections and party democracy? In his 11-page letter, North has
failed to answer a single one of them.
North’s citation of the Comintern to counter
my points on party democracy proves nothing. What I objected to was not the
organization of the party into local branches, but the claim that all
communication and debate had to be channeled through them. North writes that I
“oppose disciplined organization in the revolutionary party” in favor of an “an
organization of free-floating atoms,” but I respected all forms of legitimate
party discipline. What has North so worried? That I defended the right of the
membership to distribute and discuss documents? That I expressed a disagreement
during a national meeting?
In a draft resolution of the Tenth Party Congress of the RCP,
during which factions were banned, Lenin wrote:
Analyses of the Party’s general line,
estimates of its practical experience, check-ups of the fulfilment of its
decisions, studies of methods of rectifying errors, etc., must under no
circumstances be submitted for preliminary discussion to groups formed on the
basis of ‘platforms,’ etc., but must in all cases be submitted for discussion
directly to all the members of the Party.
In other words, even under those conditions,
when the Bolsheviks were trying to prevent political differences from taking on
an organizational form which could be taken advantage of by hostile forces,
they still recognized the need for debate and allowed (in fact, required)
criticisms to be submitted to ALL of the members of the party. It is worth
noting that the whole history of Bolshevism before the rise of Stalinism is
marked by rich political debate and polemics, and the banning of factions (but not
debate or discussion) was widely regarded as a temporary measure, taken under
very difficult conditions. The attempts to defend the SEP’s practice by
invoking the Bolsheviks clearly do not hold water.
After falsely claiming for a third time that I
have mounted a “defense of the chauvinist AFL-CIO,” North and Kishore once
again wave away my political intervention as the result of my “subjective
impulses” and my “chumminess” with Shuvu. I am told to “‘Repress’ the
individualistic and anarchistic tendencies that are incompatible with disciplined
revolutionary activity within the working class.” It should be obvious that if
what I wanted was personal freedom, it would have been far easier for me to
leave the SEP without a word. All of my efforts have been aimed at raising
critical questions among the SEP’s cadre.
The task for a revolutionary is not to
“repress” one’s individualism, but to overcome the false individualism fostered
under capitalism, and direct oneself toward the cause of human liberation.
Without a degree of independence of thought that is impossible in the SEP,
there is no way a revolutionary can engage in the critical thinking necessary
to make even the smallest step toward socialism.
North and Kishore end their letter with this
note of reconciliation:
If and when, on the basis of your own actions
from this date forward, the SEP is confident that you can abide by the party
constitution and fight loyally for the policies of the party in accordance with
the decisions of its National Congress, you will be allowed to reapply for
provisional membership in the Socialist Equality Party.
This is obviously an insincere statement, made
only for the benefit of the party membership. After my first comment at the
national meeting, there was absolutely no chance that I would be allowed to
stay in the party. Even if it were true that North and Co. would ever permit me
to rejoin, it would be on the condition that I admit the error of my ways and
submit myself to silence and acquiescence.
For North and Kishore, “subjective impulses”
apply to everyone but themselves, who sit above the class struggle, issuing
their statements and programs from their armchairs. They are right about one
thing: at this point, we agree on nothing. When I said that there was much on
which we still agree, I wasn’t directing myself to them, but to any genuine
revolutionaries in the party.
To any such people in or around the SEP, I
urge you to consider the demands Shuvu and I put forward in his April 23 letter
– which are aimed at opening the party to free discussion and debate and establishing
democratic oversight by its membership – and to take up the fight to build a
genuinely revolutionary party. In closing, I will quote a slogan from the
Statement of Principles of the IYSSE, which has always stuck with me, and which
sums up my perspective now: “For the Rebirth of the Socialist Movement!”
-- Peter Ross
I get your point, but as a factual matter even it seems like you have to admit North really does have a history in the working class. Even Phelps Dodge leader Jorge O'Leary said that North basically helped lead that strike.
At the bottom of this post there is a reference to a document by a "Comrade C," which was obtained by Shuvu Batta and Peter Ross and was the basis of their criticism of the SEP's program.
Everyone else here has been identified by name, but who is "C?" What is his political background? What information do you have about this person who has motivated the recent developments in the SEP?
Now that we access to the letters, is it really necessary to publish anything else? Batta's pathetic and hysterical criticisms can be summed up in the following sentence in his letter to the NYC branch, "My intention is not to sow chaos within the ICFI, though if that is a result, so be it." Quite the thoughtful and principled comrade.
I agree with Peter and Shuvu and think the article by “C” is extremely important. But I’m troubled that the only identifier we have is a single consonant. He could use a pseudonym but I think he’s obligated to account for his own political provenance and history.
I requested yesterday that you identify the individual who is referred to only as "Comrade C." This is a reasonable request, because his document is being used to attack and discredit the Socialist Equality Party. Readers have a right to know something about the background and political bonafides of this person. Is he a student, a worker or a professional? Is he a trade unionist? So far, you have not answered my question.
In response to another correspondent who chose to post a statement on your site anonymously, you criticize his failure to identify himself. "But why do you need to remain anonymous if as you say your name is already out there?"
C's document is "out there" and is being used to denounce the SEP. Why should C's identity be concealed? From who is he being protected? Failure to identify this individual would indicate that you, and very possible "C" himself, have something to hide.
Response to Tom Jackson:
I am always amused when an anonymous commenter challenges the right of someone else to maintain their anonymity. Is Tom Jackson really your name? Who knows? You do not provide any link or any means by which we can confirm your identity.
I never criticized anyone for maintaining their anonymity, only their hypocrisy about it.
If you have something of substance to say about C's contribution to this discussion, let's hear it. Otherwise you are just another troll trying to dig up dirt because you cannot tolerate the light of day where reasoned discussion takes place.
I sympathize with the author. I was myself thinking just last week of joining the Republican Party (US). First, I have to get them to reverse their decades-long stance on low taxation of the wealthy and corporations. I feel that this can be accomplished relatively quickly--perhaps faster than one can say "provisional membership".
Adam Cortright
I don't think that "C's" identity is all that important; rather, what is important is identifying the class forces that the positions they put forward represent, which are clearly petty-bourgeois and completely aligned with the interests of the trade union bureaucracy.
Yes, identifying the political and class forces expressed in "C's" document is the most important thing. But that does not mean that the person's identity is irrelevant. As part of their evaluation of his positions, readers should have a right to know where he's coming from. Is this person active in the trade unions? Is he (assuming it's a "he") a worker? And there is another question. Frankly, based on what I've read, I strongly suspect that "C" is somehow -- even before he applied to join the SEP -- connected to Alex Steiner. The arguments he makes in his document are virtually identical to those of Steiner. If that is, in fact, the case, Steiner should acknowledge it.
There is a lot of information to digest here, but basically the letters provide context and an illustration of the kind of paranoia and delusions that grip what passes for leadership in the SEP and the typical authoritarian and slanderous responses to challenges within its ranks. The political newcomer might be initially attracted by the regular engagement with news and events of the WSWS, or maybe their branding as being authentically Trotskyist, Marxist, or "left", but they will inevitably find themselves isolated in yet another cul de sac of American politics as the experience of Peter and Shuvu shows.
About Comrade C, I find the fixation on his identity bizarre considering all those who are making the demand are posting anonymously. The last commenter thinks Comrade C is "connected to Alex Steiner", why exactly is this important? Personally, I don't see the influence on the document written by C, which I think is an honest and good faith examination of the union question within the context of Marxism. Many people coming from many tendencies have found North's position on the unions to be rotten independently and by different paths. Anyone with a genuine understanding of and agreement with Marxism, specifically the works of Lenin ("Left Wing Communism") and Trotsky ("The Transitional Program", "The Trade Unions in Britain"), will find North's positions problematic to say the least. We might ask, why does North and his organization align more with Jeff Bezos and the Koch brothers on the union question than with his socialist counterparts? What class forces does North and the SEP represent?
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