Disentangling another WSWS web of deception

by the Permanent Revolution Editorial Board 

We beg our readers’ indulgence concerning the lengthy polemical exchange that has erupted between Permanent Revolution and the World Socialist Web Site.  The ICFI (full name: International Committee for the Fourth International), which publishes the WSWS, is well known for both its bulldog tenacity and its loose approach to the facts, not to mention its paranoid worldview.  So it’s hard not to get dragged into the ICFI labyrinth.


Gerry Healy, who falsely accused David North of being a "CIA agent".

In the past couple of weeks we have been bombarded with several iterations of increasingly bizarre conspiracy theories in response to the fact that we mistakenly published a letter alleging a security lapse on the part of the ICFI.  When we learned that the information we published was false, we immediately took down the letter and issued an apology.  Ever since, the WSWS has been tossing accusations our way, escalating the level of slander with each iteration, while at the same time hiding some very significant facts from their readers.  


It’s worth pointing out that the website’s latest contribution, Alex Steiner’s tangled web of political deceit,” contains an important admission with regard to Dan Reznik, the ex-ICFI associate who triggered the controversy by accusing the International Committee of a major security lapse concerning Bogdan Syrotiuk, the Trotskyist who is currently on trial on entirely spurious charges of “high treason” to the Ukrainian state.


The admission concerns the ICFI accuser’s political identity.  As we noted on Feb. 7 (“Scurrilous libel from the WSWS”), we now believe that Reznik was spreading false tales because he had been left “demoralized like so many others have been over the years after falling foul of the ICFI leadership” and was therefore taking revenge.  Since we know how the ICFI chews such people up and spits them out, we believe  that was the case in this instance as well.  It is still our best understanding of how this incident arose.


But now, after nearly two weeks of silence, WSWS has finally come up with its own explanation for Reznik’s behavior.  Rather than someone who was angry and upset, it now seems that he was “an agent-provocateur, who most likely was working on behalf of the Ukrainian state.” 


The WSWS elaborates:


Reznik is an agent provocateur, adopting and deleting identities in accordance with whatever operation he is engaged in.  In 2022 he wrote to the WSWS, declaring full support for the ICFI and offering to translate articles into Serbo-Croat.  There are many individuals who contact the WSWS and offer assistance for translations.  As is now evident, Reznik,’ aka Daniel Bukvasevic, was attempting to infiltrate the ICFI.  His activities serve as a warning of the need for vigilance against the activities of state agents.  Reznik was unsuccessful.  He was never a member of a section of the International Committee or any party organization.  Reznik never held a personal meeting with a single party member.  His association with the party was limited to occasional online discussions and the exchange of emails.


This account is a significant distortion.  As we noted on Feb. 7, Reznik, used the handle “@DanReznikWSWS,” published voluminously on Twitter/X and contributed regularly to the r/Trotskyism Reddit page.  We published a screenshot of his Reddit page in which he identifies himself as a “a member of the International Committee for the Fourth International” and lists more than 1,300 posts.  Yet not only did the ICFI make no attempt to correct what it now says is a misrepresentation, but prominent members regularly “liked” and re-tweeted his posts.  The ICFI gave every impression that he was an active and prominent member of the organization.


But now the long-time ICFI internet warrior turns out to be a Ukrainian agent.  The WSWS says it sensed something was amiss when Reznik tweeted in support of a Stalinist assassination of a Croat nationalist writer in 1978.  The ICFI was attentive to signs of Reznik’s political instability,” its latest article declares.  Therefore, Alex Lantier, a leader of the ICFI’s French section, wrote to Reznik demanding that he take the tweet down.  According to the WSWS, Lantier wrote:


This tweet is not Trotskyist.  The Trotskyist perspective for the ‘extinction’ of the nation-state system is a world socialist revolution by the international working class.  It is not for the physical extermination of everyone who, at one or other point in time, supports the nation-state system or his or her nation-state.  Nor do Trotskyists outsource the political struggle against nationalism to the murderers in the Stalinist intelligence services, which were staffed by virulent nationalists.  If you have any question about this, you can read Stalin’s Gangsters by Trotsky.


Lantier added that he was “concerned about you tweeting what will be seen as an endorsement of the Stalinist assassination of a literary figure” and for that reason “insisted that Reznik delete his tweet.


But that was in October.  While accusing him of a political blunder, Lantier said nothing about Reznik serving as an agent-provocateur on behalf of the Ukrainian state for the better part of two years.  There is nothing in the WSWS account indicating the slightest suspicion in this regard.


The ICFI allowed itself to be duped.  Unlike David North and his collaborators, we are not in the habit of tossing about charges of bourgeois intelligence activities without proper evidence.  But if the WSWS’s suspicions are correct, then, by its own standards, it is guilty of a significant security lapse.  From early 2022 until October 2024, it entered into an active relationship with a hostile agent.  It promoted his internet posts, supported his views, and allowed him to pass himself off as a bona fide member – even though they now say that  he was an enemy agent attempting to penetrate its ranks.


To be sure, Reznik misled us as well.  But where we have taken responsibility, the WSWS has not.  Rather than conducting a thorough inquiry into how it supposedly fell victim to a hostile intelligence operation, it has sought to minimize and conceal its role.   This is yet another example of the ICFI school of historical falsification that has made the ICFI a byword for mendacity in international socialist ranks.


The WSWS engages in other distortions that, while less serious, are still worthy of attention.


Alex Steiner, a member of the Permanent Revolution editorial board, stated in his original article that he emailed David North twice seeking a comment on Reznik’s allegations prior to publication.  On Feb. 4, the WSWS accused Steiner of lying on the grounds that no email was ever sent.  “The WSWS has conducted a search of all its email addresses, as well as those of David North,” it declared.  “No such letter was received.”


But now it says Steiner was merely guilty of using an email address that was out of date: “The email address used by North is not located on the WSWS server.  Due to technical problems, North ceased using it well over a year ago.”  So did the website conduct a search of all its email addresses as it originally stated or not?  After two weeks of saying that it did, it now appears that it did not.


The latest WSWS article - likely written by David North - further states that Steiner “received what he claims to have been an anonymous communication ... on December 17,” but then goes on to say that it was “not an anonymous communication” because “[i]t bears the name “danielbukvasevic” and the email address danielbukvasevic@proton.me.”  But all Steiner said was that he received an unsolicited letter from someone “who wished to remain anonymous.”  So what is the point?


Indeed, a WSWS contact form that North helpfully reproduces in his latest article assures individuals writing to the website that “[w]e will protect your anonymity.”  North seems to be confused about the difference between an anonymous letter and one written by someone wishing to have his or her name withheld.


The article goes on to make other bizarre accusations. It would be a fool’s errand to deal with all of them. But to cite one example,  the author of the article – likely David North himself – states that Steiner was lying when saying that he had no previous acquaintance with the author of the letter - that Steiner must have had a long-standing relationship of “familiarity” with the letter-writer because the person addressing Steiner wrote “Dear Alex” in the salutation portion of an email.  Needless to say even a six-year-old can unravel the stupidity of such an inference.


Elsewhere North says of Sam Tissot that he “was expelled from the French section of the ICFI last year for refusing to respect the confidentiality of internal party communications.”  But as Tissot made clear on this website last September,   in the official account provided by the ICFI at the time, he was expelled  for “denying the historical continuity of Trotskyism,”. In fact he was actually expelled for doing nothing more than raising questions within the leadership of the French section about policies and practices of the ICFI and asking for a discussion on those issues. So this claim from North is false as well.


The WSWS article   concludes with a 630-word disquisition on the “major investigation” that the ICFI has conducted since 1975 concerning,

the death of its founder Leon Trotsky in 1940, the infiltration of his household by agents of the GPU, and the subsequent infiltration of the Trotskyist movement and in particular the American Socialist Workers Party, by agents of imperialism.


The investigation has already produced irrefutable evidence of such infiltration,

the article adds. 




But then how come they could not discover that someone who was publicly representing them for over two years was in fact, according to them, “an agent-provocateur, who most likely was working on behalf of the Ukrainian state”?

And why did they hide this information for more than two weeks after we made public the identity of Dan Reznik? 

And why do they even now try to whitewash his past deep involvement with the ICFI?


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