About this web site
The purpose of this web site is to contribute to Marxist
theory as part of our effort to change the world. We are committed to a
fundamental transformation of the relations between people, one that
historically has been championed by the modern socialist movement inaugurated
by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels with the publication of the Communist
Manifesto in 1848. Much has happened in the world since then and the socialist
movement in the 21st century is obliged to reflect on and absorb a rich history
of struggle if it is to once more become a living force in the life of society.
In taking a sweeping overview of this history, one painted with a very broad
brush, one can say that the history of the socialist movement has been, with a
few notable exceptions, a history of defeats and betrayals. Victories have been
few and far between and in no case was any victory permanent. The Russian
Revolution and its eventual demise is without doubt the single best example of
this dialectic of defeat.
We reject the approach of radicals who ignore this history
of defeats and think it is sufficient to cheer on whatever movement comes
along. (It is more appropriate to note that they are actually affected by this
history in ways they do not understand. The defeats of the 20th century
reinforce the ideological assumption that victory is beyond the bounds of
possibility.) This practice or radicals lasts until such movements are
inevitably defeated, whether through internal decay or external force. After writing
the appropriate tributes to the heroism of these movements they are promptly
forgotten while the search for the next movement to absorb their attention gets
going in earnest. Such an approach all but guarantees failure for it never
comes to terms with the causes of these defeats. Instead history is seen as
series of struggles and it is the struggle itself that is celebrated. This
attitude undoubtedly provides solace to those involved in supporting these
struggles – a solace rarely found among the main actors when the fighting is
over. Occasionally small gains can even be won in these struggles, but the goal
of a fundamental transformation of society remains more elusive than ever. This
kind of radicalism, typified in the United States by Noam Chomsky and the late
Howard Zinn, is the modern equivalent of the reformist turn of a section of the
German Social Democratic Party at the end of the 19th century. The slogan of
that reformist turn was,
“The movement is everything, the final goal nothing”. It is
an equally appropriate slogan for radical politics in the 21st century.
Yet another expression of this anti-theoretical impulse was
evident in the Occupy Wall Street movement. That movement resonated with
millions of workers when it raised the issue of social inequality at a moment
in history when the contrast between capital and labor has been sharper than at
any time since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It gave voice to the anger
and frustration of millions who saw their way of life under attack while
billionaire bankers were bailed out courtesy of the tax payers. But those who
provided the ideological foundation of the Occupy movement proved singularly
unable to transform that wellspring of popular anger into a coherent political
movement. Anarchist theoreticians instead depicted the absence of a coherent
program and a conscious political movement as some kind of positive virtue. The
model of a leaderless movement that refused to define itself programmatically
could not sustain the energy released by the initial Occupy actions. Given this
theoretical void it was inevitable that a significant segment of Occupy
activists would become co-opted into Democratic Party politics. The
global demonstrations against climate change that were held in September 2014
are following in the same footsteps as OWS and they are likely to end in the
same cul-de-sac.
Our approach is different. We stand with those who came
before us in saying that ‘without revolutionary theory no revolutionary
However we equally reject the approach of those groups on
the left who have turned that slogan into an empty shell that they use to
proclaim their infallibility. If there is one lesson that Marxists should have
learned from the experiences of the last century it is that dogmatism is the
mortal enemy of the revolution. It is simply not possible to bring about a
successful revolution by relying on old formulas memorized by rote. We stand
with Trotsky when he said,
‘Dialectic training of the mind, as necessary to a
revolutionary fighter as finger exercises to a pianist’
We take that statement to mean that the Marxist movement is
crippled without its philosophical core and that philosophical core is
dialectics. Like much else in the lexicon of Marxism the term ‘dialectics’ has
been much abused. In the hands of Stalinist scholasticism an appeal to
‘dialectics’ became an apologia for the twists and turns of a
counter-revolutionary bureaucracy. But just because the term has been abused by
some is no reason to abandon it. We take the development of a genuine
dialectical philosophy as the critical weapon that the working class requires
in the struggle for socialism. And that is primarily what this web site has
been concerned with and will continue to pursue.
Among the important theoretical contributions of the
permanent-revolution web site we can point to the following:
- A
critique of Plekhanov’s fatalistic theory of history The
dialectical path of cognition and revolutionizing practice
- A
reconsideration of the revolutionary implications of utopian vision in the
Marxist tradition: To
know a thing is to know its end
- Marxism
and “value-free” social science: Marxism
Without its Head or its Heart, Chapter 3
- Marxism
and American pragmatism Marxism
Without its Head or its Heart, Chapter 4
- A
Marxist critique of the Enlightenment and postmodernism – “the real
dialectic of the Enlightenment”: Marxism
Without its Head or its Heart, Chapter 6
- The
relationship of mass psychology to revolution – an assessment of the
Freudo-Marxists Marxism
Without its Head or its Heart, Chapter 10
- Psychoanalysis
and ‘empty place’ of psychology within Marxism
- Gender
and materialism
- Dialectics
vs. positivist reductionism in the philosophy of science:
Spiral, Chapter 5A defense of teleology against the vulgar Marxists: Downward
Spiral, Chapter 6
- Marxism
and the history of science, philosophical issues: Downward
Spiral, Chapter 6
- An
assessment of the contributions of the dialectical biologists:
Spiral, Chapter 7, pages 186-205
- An
assessment of the Frankfurt School: Downward
Spiral, Chapter 1, pages 23-29
- A
reassessment of the materialism vs idealism controversy in the history of
Spiral, Chapter 2, pages 44-53
- On
the vulgar critique of vulgar materialism
- Excerpts
from Trotsky’s ‘Philosophical Notebooks’ and an assessment of Trotsky as a
Marxist theoretician: Foreshadowing
In Defense of Marxism: Trotsky’s Philosophical Notebooks
- A
critique of a caricature of dialectics and the mangling of the history of
philosophy: A
Charlatan Exposed
- Publication
and comments on a seminal essay by Trotsky on Nietzsche:
the Philosophy of the Superman
This is far from an exhaustive list but should give one the
highlights of the theoretical material we have covered. Furthermore, we make no
apologies for the polemical style in which much of this theoretical material is
presented. Those polemics arose from a very specific set of historical
circumstances and while a more expository style may have been preferable in
some cases, it is also true that it was the impulse of the polemical battle
that made much of this theoretical work possible in the first place.
A word about our origins
The permanent revolution web site began in 2005 as little
more than a repository for several documents that we published as part of a
polemic with David North and the International Committee of the Fourth
International (ICFI). We acknowledged as much in one of the early documents
posted on our web site in 2006,
“…we only set up the web site –
www.permanent-revolution.org – after it became clear that neither North nor
anyone else in the IC leadership had any intention of responding to us. For the
record, the site’s only purpose is to provide a forum for debate and discussion
for members and supporters of the IC, and for that reason we have made no
effort – whether by external links or by promoting the site’s existence on
search engines – to broadcast our criticisms of the IC to a wider audience.” (http://permanent-revolution.org/polemics/mwhh_ch01.pdf page
While we were very critical of the recent course of the ICFI
and their online journal the World Socialist Web Site (wsws), we were still at
that time convinced that the ICFI represented the continuity of the work begun
by Trotsky when he founded the Fourth International in 1938. Our analysis of
the ICFI, particularly as it was expressed in the work of their long-time
leader, David North, led us to believe that decades of neglect of theoretical
questions had seriously disoriented the ICFI and it was fast becoming an
abstentionist sect. We had both spent many decades as members and supporters of
the ICFI and felt that the rich history of the ICFI, despite its troubling
degeneration in the 1970s and 1980s, still provided a reservoir of theoretical
work that could be tapped in the 21st century as part of the struggle to
reorient the movement.
The web site thus initially featured polemics with the ICFI
and documents relating to those polemics. Much theoretical ground was covered
in this material which we believe will prove to be of lasting interest long
after the immediate issues surrounding the polemics are forgotten.
After pursuing this polemic for a number of years – some say
for far too long – we came to the conclusion that the ICFI was incapable or
reforming itself and was therefore dead as a revolutionary movement. The
reasons behind this conclusion are discussed in the final chapter of our
series, ‘Downward Spiral’.
( http://permanent-revolution.org/polemics/downward_spiral_ch08.pdf ,
pages 207-208.) Subsequent events have confirmed that the ICFI has become a
sterile sectarian outfit.
Therefore the focus of this web site has changed. We are
looking for a hearing from a broader public. While there may be individuals who
are stuck in the SEP and have lots of questions, the culture of the SEP
strongly discourages giving voice to those questions. That is why we see that
in National Conference after National Conference of the different groups
comprising the ICFI a “unanimous” adoption of resolutions. And these unanimous
resolutions are proudly trumpeted in the pages of the WSWS; as if a movement
where the leadership is never challenged is something to be proud of! We wish
to address those who are not satisfied with the intellectual strait-jacket
imposed by the SEP and other sterile sectarian outfits. Unlike the WSWS, whose
“Readers comments” section is carefully sanitized to exclude any genuine
criticism other than those coming from selected straw-men, we welcome informed
comments and criticism.
We are convinced that a new revolutionary movement must be
built from the ashes of all the failed attempts of the past century. This task
takes on critical urgency as the world once more enters into another economic
crisis the likes of which we have not seen since the Great Depression.
Capitalism once again reveals itself to be a huge failure, spreading misery and
death throughout the world. It must be put out of its misery. That task
requires a conscious leadership now more than ever. We are dedicating this web
site to that effort.