by Alex Steiner
Why did Tsipras call for the referendum?
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Alexis Tsipras |
Tsipras move to call the
referendum marked a dramatic break from the deadlock of 5 months of fruitless negotiations
with the EU, from the time the Syriza government came into office on Jan
25. As the Guardian reported at the
Something was
bound to snap in Greece, and now it has…
Fiery and inexperienced, the Greek prime minister has breached all the
rules of diplomacy, failing to warn his counterparts about his plebiscite
before going public, and perhaps depriving himself of a last bit of leverage in
the haggling over bailout terms.[1]
Tsipras’s calling a referendum
was a genuine shock to the European establishment as countless columns in the
bourgeois press throughout Europe will attest.
What shocked them was not the breach of diplomatic protocols in Tsipras
failing to inform his colleagues. That
was never more than a pretext for the hysterical reaction of the
“institutions”. What really shocked them was the fact that a leader of a
European government would dare to consult the people he represented before
signing onto the poisoned pill that was being offered. It was as dramatic a statement as ever there
was of the irreconcilable contradiction between the European Union and its
institutions and any notion of democracy.
In light of later events, some
have raised the question as to why Tsipras called for a referendum in the first
place. Tsipras instantaneous repudiation
of the results of the referendum that he himself initiated was seen by some
sectarians as “confirmation” of their cry that the referendum was nothing more
than a “reactionary fraud” in the first place.
Some created full blown conspiracy theories out of their speculation as
to Tsipras’s reason for calling the referendum, claiming it was actually a
clever and cynical maneuver designed to make it easier for Tsipras to
capitulate to the troika. They had no explanation as to how calling a
referendum in which he might be forced to actually confront the EU would make it
easier to capitulate to their demands.
But no matter, logic was never a strong point of the sectarians. These
groups, including some of the anarchist “ultra-leftists”, justifiably deserved
the contempt they earned for themselves with their dismissal of the importance
of the referendum. Of all the sectarian groups operating in Greece, the only
one of any political significance, the Stalinist Communist Party of Greece
(KKE), received a well deserved rebuke by the working class. Their call for casting a spoiled ballot, in
effect a asking voters to boycott the referendum and thereby assisting the
right, was roundly ignored by the great majority of their own supporters. The working class of Greece understood much
better than the sectarians that regardless of the motivations of the Tsipras
government in calling the referendum, here was an opportunity to resist the
drumbeat of austerity.
Why then did Tsipras call for the
referendum despite his reluctance – to put it mildly – of having a
confrontation with the European institutions?
It emerged from several sources that Tsipras was forced to call the
referendum in spite of his misgivings as a result of pressure from below. Lower level rank and file Syriza activists
pressured the leaders of Syriza to do something to show that they would stand against
austerity. It turned out that the base
of Syriza was far more radical than its leadership. Rank and file activists on Syriza’s regional
committees were more radical than Syriza’s Central Committee and put pressure
on the latter. And it is clear that Syriza’s Central Committee, was more
radical than the parliamentary party, having recorded a majority vote against
the government’s acceptance of the memorandum agreement. Tsipras had to do something to respond to
this pressure from his base, therefore he called the referendum. This chain of
events was confirmed by a number of people who are intimately familiar with the
internal dynamics of Syriza. For
instance, we have this account of the events leading up to the referendum by Stavros
Mavroudeas, a professor of political economy at the University of Macedonia,
The failure of
the SYRIZA strategy and the simmering popular discontent with the return of the
troika austerity policies obliged the SYRIZA government to reject the troika
demands and put them to the public vote through a referendum. At the same time
the SYRIZA leadership argued that in case of a ‘NO’ it would approach again the
EU for new negotiations.
But no sooner did Tsipras call
the referendum then he began to look for excuses to cancel it, recognizing that
rather than strengthening his hand in negotiations with the EU it could box him
into a position he did not wish to take – that of actually confronting the EU.
Referring to the right wing campaign aimed at intimidating the voters into a
YES vote, Mavroudeas remarks,
Against this
assault SYRIZA oscillated for a critical period toying (because also of
internal pressures) with the idea of canceling the referendum and offering more
concessions to the EU which the latter – having smell blood – humiliatingly
rejected. Only then SYRIZA began to embark on a campaign to win the referendum
but at the same time assuring that afterwards a deal will surely be struck with
the EU. [2]
After feelers to cancel the
referendum went nowhere Tsipras reconciled himself to going ahead with it while
hoping and expecting either a victory
for the “YES” vote or possibly a “NO”
vote win by a very narrow margin. This
would have given him, he reasoned, room to maneuver. What he never expected was a landslide
victory for the “NO” vote. Tsipras
reaction to the huge victory of the “NO” vote was later reported by former
Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis in an interview he gave to an Australian
radio network. Speaking about the evening of the referendum, he said,
I was
travelling on a beautiful cloud pushed by beautiful winds of the public’s
enthusiasm for the victory of Greek democracy in the referendum.
The moment I entered the prime ministerial
office... I was confronted with an air of defeat, which was completely at odds
with what was happening outside. [3]
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Yanis Varoufakis |
It is clear to any but the most
muddle headed sectarians that the campaign for a NO vote in the referendum,
highlighted by the enormous rally in Syntagma Square on July 3 and the
landslide victory of the NO on July 5 was a historic watershed of the class
struggle in Greece and internationally.
The 62% voting “NO” was achieved in the teeth of an unprecedented
campaign of intimidation by the entire bourgeois media. It was assisted by the
deliberate choking off of credit to the banks by the ECB, forcing them to close their doors on the
first work day after the referendum was announced. The right wing in Greece, assisted by some
so-called leftists, reasoned that this terroristic onslaught would panic the
population into a YES vote. What they
did not count on was the fortitude and fighting capacity of the Greek working
class which has been tempered through years of struggle against one austerity
regime after another.
The morning after the referendum
The morning after the referendum
saw Tsipras’ response. The news featured
the announcement that Varoufakis had “resigned” as Finance Minister. Tsipras was sending a very clear message to
the EU that he was prepared to remove the troublesome section of Syriza in
order to do a deal on whatever terms they offer. The EU ministers were incensed by Varoufakis,
not because he was particularly radical, indeed he went out of his way to avoid
that moniker, but because in his public and private statements he consistently
refused to prettify the awful terms that were demanded by the Troika.
Rumors were already circulating, later to be
confirmed, that Varoufakis would be replaced as Finance Minister by the far
more pliable Euclid Tsakalotos. In
addition other rumors indicated that Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, the
leader of the Left Platform within Syriza, would soon be replaced. Lafazanis
and several other government officials who opposed the agreement Tsipras would
soon be signing would not be officially replaced until July 17 but the
handwriting on the wall was already clear the morning after the referendum.
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Panagiotis Lafazanis |
That evening I attended an event
at the Locomotiva Café. It was the
launch of a new edition in Greek of Trotsky’s Diary in Exile. The book was
introduced by the well-known French Marxist intellectual Michael Lowy who
helped edit this edition. Savas provided
translation and also made some remarks of his own.
The first public announcement of
Tsipras’s capitulation to the onerous austerity measures demanded by the EU
came on the morning of July 9 when the new Finance Minister, Euclid Tsakalotos,
wrote a letter to the EU ministers indicating his intention to “immediately”
implement a “comprehensive set of reforms and measures… in the areas of fiscal
sustainability, financial stability, and long-term economic growth.” The
details came out later in the day when Tsipras met with EU representatives and
offered a comprehensive package of austerity cuts totaling €13 billion. This was significantly more than the total
cuts that had been previously demanded by the EU. Tsipras evidently understood that the EU ministers
smelled blood and nothing less than a complete and abject capitulation would
appease them. It was their pay back for
the ‘crime’ of calling a referendum. Nevertheless, even this sign of surrender
was met with skepticism by some of the EU ministers. Wolfgang Schäuble, the Finance Minister of Germany and the key player in
the talks with Greece was set on forcing Greece out of the Euro and out of the
EU altogether.
I was scheduled to deliver a talk
on “The Dialectics of Revolutionary Strategy and Tactics” at the Locomotiva
Café that evening. [4] The events of the day forced me to reconsider
how I would end my talk. Tsipras’s
transformation of the mandate for a NO to austerity into a YES was a remarkable
illustration of the dialectic of opportunism. In this case we have a party that
told the Greek working class to vote NO in the referendum – against austerity -
while all along it was preparing to negotiate a new round of austerity
measures. This was the contradiction
that had defined Syriza from the start – it had promised to fight against
austerity and its base of support was built on that promise. But it never had a strategy for opposing
austerity and instead relied on wishful thinking that the EU would be amenable
to reasonable compromises that would lessen the pain of austerity. This contradiction came to a head the
morning after the landslide victory of the NO vote in the referendum. It was clear on the evening of July 5 that
there was no longer any room for maneuvers and a choice finally had to be made.
Given his entire political history and
the record of Syrza’s repudiation of its election promises it was entirely predictable
that Tsipras would capitulate to the demands of the EU. But to say that Tsipras’s betrayal was
predictable and to understand why he chose the road of betrayal are two
different things. A number of commentators, and there have been many, predicted
that Tsipras would betray his election promises to end austerity. Some of those commentators later went on to
brag that Tsipras’ actions following the referendum confirmed how clever and
far-seeing they were. But none of those commentators provided a coherent
explanation of just why Tsipras chose the road of betrayal.
Insofar as any explanations are
attempted, it is phrased in the language of pop psychology and conspiracy
theories. For example, Tsipras‘s
betrayal is alleged to be part of a clever plot in which the leadership of
Syriza took their marching orders from the Greek bourgeoisie. According to this theory, the ruling elite
needed Syriza to provide a “left cover” for further austerity measures because
the traditional parties that had been entrusted to carry out the austerity
measures, Pasok and New Democracy, had been completely discredited. Now like many conspiracy theories, there is a
grain of truth to this narrative.[5] It is true that Pasok and New Democracy had
been discredited and it also true that sections of the bourgeoisie in Greece
were looking for a new political formation to continue the austerity measures.
Some sections of the Greek bourgeoisie who had been particularly hard hit by
the austerity measures genuinely wanted to end it and even contemplated support
for a left wing party like Syriza. It is
also true that in the two years leading up to Syriza’s election victory in
January, from the time when they first became a serious political contender in
Greece in 2013, Tsipras had gone out of his way to reassure the Greek and
European ruling elite that they would have nothing to worry about from a Syriza
government. But what this narrative has
in common with all conspiracy theories is what it leaves out, the movement of
the working class. Syriza’s policies
were not ONLY a response to the interests of the ruling class but also
reflected the pressures from below of the working class. The pledge to end austerity, enshrined in
Syriza’s original Thessalonika platform was not just a clever ruse designed to
get votes, it was a genuine response to the aspirations of the working
class. But so was the pledge to remain
in the Eurozone. And the pledge to
remain in the Eurozone was also not simply a reflection of the dictates of the
Greek and European bourgeoisie (indeed we would learn later that some sections
of the European bourgeoisie wanted to kick Greece out of the Eurozone), but
also reflected to a large degree the aspirations of most Greeks. Some of the polls at the time showed that an
overwhelming majority of the population favored remaining in the Eurozone. [6] Although today, after the consequences of remaining
within the Eurozone are much more apparent, that figure is likely to be
smaller, but probably still a majority of the population.
But these two planks or Syriza’s
platform were contradictory. It was
never possible to end austerity while remaining in the Eurozone. One Syriza deputy who did recognize the
incoherence of Syriza’s program was the economist Costas
Lapavitsas. He was an advocate of
exiting the Eurozone. But the alternative he proposed – Plan B – a return to
the drachma based on a revival of native Greek capitalism – was just as much a
fantasy as the notion that you could remain in the Eurozone and end
austerity. I wrote an article back in
March, Plan C: The Socialist alternative for Greece [7] in
which I presented the real alternative to remaining in the Eurozone – a plan
for Greece to take the initial steps of a transition to socialism in Greece and
throughout Europe.
While Lapavitsas was discerning
enough to recognize the impossible contradiction in Tsipras’s position, he
shared with Tsipras as well as Varoufakis a philosophy that doomed all of them
in the end. Each of them, in their own
way, claimed to support socialism and there is no reason to think that they
were not sincere in their beliefs. But while they differed in their tactics,
they each had in common a belief that socialism is not on the agenda in any
conceivable set of circumstances in this generation. It was seen as a desirable goal, but one that
was “utopian” in the sense that it was not attainable until some far removed
future if ever. (Both Lapavitsas and
Varoufakis have given interviews where they said this explicitly.) And they each thought that the best they
could do was to be “pragmatic” and strive for what was attainable. And what was
attainable as far as they were concerned was some form of capitalism shorn of
its rough edges and tempered with a bit of humanity. But that turned out to be
a truly unattainable goal. Here in this
philosophy of “pragmatism” lies the ultimate explanation of Tsipras’s
actions. The crisis of capitalism and the
Eurozone had turned Tsipras’s pragmatic politics on its head. It turns out that the real “utopians” are the
“pragmatists” like Tsipras while the real “pragmatists” – the ones who base
their perspective on the actual dynamics of class relations in society instead
of wishful thinking – are those who advocated a break from the Euro and a
transition to socialism.
Had Tsipras been a revolutionary
leader instead of a “pragmatist” he would have gone against the grain of public
opinion and made clear from the beginning that to end austerity Greece must
leave the iron cage of the Euro. He would
have taken the results of the referendum and use that as a starting point to
mobilize the masses in Greece and throughout Europe against austerity. Instead,
Tsipras, having been caught in an impossible contradiction, chose to repudiate
the results of the referendum and to beg the EU for forgiveness by presenting
them with a proposal for austerity measures more draconian than any previous
government had dared impose. If ever
there was a perfect illustration of Trotsky’s dictum, that if you don’t
recognize the dialectic, the dialectic will recognize you, this was it. [8]
The talk at Locomotiva Café that
evening went well, attracting a good audience of about 50 people. Savas chaired and translated my English
presentation into Greek. There were some spirited questions following the talk. One comrade asked whether it was possible to
fight austerity on a national basis.
Another comrade wanted to know what was the relationship of the attempt
to gauge the psychology of the masses with Marx’s early writings on
alienation. Following the talk a number
of us discussed the new situation in Greece that has opened up as a result of
Tsipras’s betrayal of the mandate of the referendum.
Selling the Third Memorandum Agreement
The next morning my companion and
I left for a long ago planned week of rest and relaxation on the Ionian Island
of Kefallonia. It turned out that the
people in the tiny villages of Kefallonia were following events no less avidly
than those in Athens. Political graffiti was abundant in many village
squares. There were slogans and posters
supporting the Communist Party (KKE), Syriza, and even the fascist Golden
Dawn. There were still posters left
over from the referendum campaign, almost all of them urging a NO vote. This was all mixed in with the usual
advertisements for tavernas, boat excursions and other tourist attractions.
The next few days were marked by
tense negotiations after the Euro Group rejected Tsipras’s initial terms of
surrender. It seems that they were not
satisfied with anything less than the complete humiliation and subjugation of
Greece for generations to come. And that
is exactly what Tsipras gave them in the end. The new package of austerity measures to which
Tsipras finally agreed was astonishing in its cruelty and unprecedented in the
degree to which the sovereignty of a nation was surrendered to the European
banks. Among other things it called for an increase in the VAT (sales tax) from
the already high 13% to 23%, an increase in the retirement age, a doubling of
income tax for farmers and others such measures. But the real icing on the cake for the EU was
the demand – agreed to by Tsipras - that Greece put up all its civic assets,
about €50 billion worth of state property, in an auction to be managed by a
commission appointed by the EU in exchange for the €86 billion bailout
On Tuesday July 13 Tsipras gave
an interview on national television in an attempt to sell this agreement to the
people before introducing it in Parliament the next day. We found ourselves in the remote village of
Komitata that evening and caught the interview on a television screen in a café
in the center of the village. There were
5 or 6 other people watching the interview – as much of a crowd as can be
expected late in the evening in this tiny village. I could guess their political sympathies by
the fact that the main square in town had lots of pro-Syriza posters and
graffiti. No other political posters
were in evidence here.
Listening to Tsipras address in the village of Komitata |
Tsipras played on the natural
sympathy his audience felt for him as a victim of imperialist bullies. He
admitted that the agreement was terrible, but nevertheless still tried to
present it in the best possible light, claiming that the alternative would have
been unthinkable. He said that an exit from the Euro – the only “alternative”
he mentioned - would have immediately led to the collapse of the banks and the
destruction of the life savings of everyone in Greece. Thus he presented himself as a kind of Roman general who is surrounded and greatly
outnumbered and given a Hobson’s choice
of either surrendering and keeping his troops alive and intact, or going down
in a blaze glory and seeing his army decimated . This rationalization of his betrayal of the
referendum convinced a good number of Syriza supporters initially, and that
also seemed to be the reaction of the people in the café. If they were angry about the agreement they
did not show it. But it was also clear
that anger and resistance will inevitably follow once the consequences of
Tsipras’s betrayal sink in.
On Saturday, July 18, I took an
early morning flight back to Athens, arriving in time to attend the
Euro-Mediterranean Conference. The main
resolution coming out of the conference was on the crisis in Greece. The resolution, which we previously published,
[9] made
the point that Tsipras’s terrible betrayal in no way signaled the defeat of the
Greek working class. It stated that the overwhelming NO vote in the
referendum marked a historic turning point in the class struggle not only for Greece but internationally. It quoted the
head of the European Union, Donald Tusk, who, in summing up the political
situation set into motion by the crisis in Greece, expressed the fears of the
ruling class,
“The febrile rhetoric from far-left leaders,
coupled with high youth unemployment in several countries, could be an
explosive combination.
“For me, the atmosphere is a little similar
to the time after 1968 in Europe,” he said.
“I can feel, maybe not a revolutionary mood,
but something like widespread impatience. When impatience becomes not an
individual but a social experience of feeling, this is the introduction for
revolutions.” (Financial Times 17July 2015)
The resolution went on to make
the salient point that one of the main pillars of the international order
following the fall of the Soviet Union, the European Union, is in the process
of disintegration:
“…it is
the entire EU project that is facing the dynamics of dissolution. This
project, after the epochal event of the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, had
as its strategic goal expansion into Central and Eastern Europe and the
Balkans, the re-colonization of the entire former Soviet space, and thus the
capitalist integration of Europe around the French-German axis to make the EU
able to fight for hegemony in the chaotic post-Cold War world. Monetary
unification of countries with very different and unequal social economic
national structures was a necessary instrument of this strategy.
implosion of finance capital globalization in 2007-2008 has brought to the
surface all of the accumulated internal contradictions within this project and
historical space, including all the flaws of the architecture of the Euro
reflecting, in the last instance, the fundamental contradiction between the
internationalization of the economy and the Nation-States, insoluble on
capitalist bases.”
I was in Greece for several more
days and watched the inevitable winding down of the time piece Tsipras set into
motion, first by calling the referendum followed by repudiating its
mandate. There was the debate in
Parliament over the initial legislation to allow Greece to obtain a bridge loan
while the details of the agreement were being worked out. Tsipras knew that his action would split
Syriza and he would likely lose his governing coalition. He was counting on the
fact that the pro-austerity parties, Pasok, New Democracy and Potami would support him in enacting all the pieces of
legislation that were required to implement the surrender of Greece’s
sovereignty. And that is exactly what
happened. Once the Left Platform of
Syriza broke ranks with Tsipras he had to rely on the votes of the right wing
parties in order to continue. This was obviously an unstable situation and new
elections some time after the legislation to pass the Memorandum agreement
became inevitable. That happened as we
know on August 20, a few days after the final debate in Parliament took place
and the day when a large payment by Greece on its debt obligations was due.
Whatever the results are of the
election on Sept 20 one thing is clear, the next government of Greece will rest
on a highly unstable foundation. Recent polls show that Syriza has lost support
at the same time as the traditional right wing party, New Democracy, has made significant
gains. Syriza’s loss of support is of
course to be expected given its betrayal of its election promises and the split
from its ranks of the Left Platform. But
how to explain the gain for the thoroughly discredited New Democracy?
This is happening despite the
fact that New Democracy does not have any nationally recognized leader. One can
only conclude that the surge in support for New Democracy represents disgust
with Syriza rather than any positive adherence to New Democracy. Tsipras in the meantime is presenting himself
in the election campaign as the only candidate who is capable of smoothing out
the rough edges of the terrible austerity deal he negotiated. On Sept 6 he presented
his election platform in Thessalonika, almost exactly one year after the
original Syriza “Thessalonika program” was presented to the nation and which
propelled it to victory in the January election. The contrast between the two Thessalonika
programs could not be greater. In September of 2014, Tsipras promised that
his party would end austerity, calling for a “European New Deal” with Greece’s
EU partners. In September of 2015, with
Greece’s EU “partners” now seen as its predators, there is no more talk of a “European
New Deal”. Instead, Tsipras has little
else to promise than to undo some of the worst aspects of the austerity package
that he signed. [10] But the sellout inscribed in the Thessalonika
program of 2015 was prefigured in the contradiction at the heart of the 2014
program. You cannot fight against
austerity and at the same time remain within the European Union. And you cannot get a “European New Deal”
within capitalism.
[1] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/28/the-guardian-view-on-greece-and-the-euro-no-money-left
[4] An
edited transcript of my talk was published here:
[5] A
far cruder theory has been proposed by some of our vulgar materialists who have
maintained that Syriza’s politics of accommodation with the Eurogroup is a
direct reflection of the size of the stock portfolios of Syriza’s leaders. One example of this argument can be found in
the following piece from the World Socialist Web Site:
http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2015/07/11/pers-j11.html. I commented on this article previously here,
[6] A
poll taken as recently as April showed that 75% of Greeks wanted to remain in
the Eurozone. http://greece.greekreporter.com/2015/04/30/poll-shows-75-of-greeks-want-to-stay-in-euro-zone/
[8] The full quote is from a polemic against the
Burnham-Schachtman faction, A Petty-Bourgeois
Opposition in the Socialist Workers Party.
“Burnham does not recognize the dialectic, but the
dialectic recognizes Burnham, that is, extends its sway over him.”
From: lysistrata
This time again, in a positive sense, you don't fall short of my expectations at all. Anybody will be greatly impressed by your insight, and I'm no exception. Your writing has satisfied much of my curiosity about Tsipras' betrayal. In particular, your assertion that "to say that Tsipras’s betrayal was predictable and to understand why he chose the road of betrayal are two different things" hit the mark. In this context, your from-below perspective ― the emphasis on the existence of working class and its pressure or potency ― seems to me to be perfectly legitimate.
In the meantime, I cannot but confess that the more aware I am of the state of things, the more hopeless about future. Instead of having a self-contradictory fantasy that "you could remain in the Eurozone and end austerity," should Tsipras, or Syriza, or socialists have presented "a plan for Greece to take the initial steps of a transition to socialism in Greece and throughout Europe"? Even if he or anyone else had done so, might it have led to more nameless horrors? Due to the lack of the solid base of political power.
About twenty years ago, my country experienced a bankruptcy similar to Greece's(, so I more profoundly sympathize with Greeks). Political leaders of the day in my country were busy taking makeshift measures for the only purpose of survival, which meant more austerity. My country apparently is known to have overcome the financial crisis since then, but is it really so, I wonder. It is undeniable that despite outward prosperity, the inner wound is festering. No way out in sight. Just a door to conformity.
Brilliant historical analysis, Alex, of the contradictory forces within Syriza -- and, I daresay, within every movement that too much of the Left has forgotten how to do. My only quibble is with your very last conclusion, which does not directly follow from the rest of your observations. To wit:
You write that: "You cannot fight against austerity and at the same time remain within the European Union."
While it may be true that the controlling forces in the EU would want Greece "out", even the IMF was critical of the other pieces in the troika for pushing in that direction. The issue should not be framed as "Should we stay in the EU or leave it?" or the Left will lose. The issue should be framed just as the referendum did: "Do we want to accept austerity, or not?" and do all the things necessary to fight against austerity. And if the European Union controllers refuse to cede on the austerity demands, the movement just does what it has to do: Nationalize the foreign banks, declare a debt jubilee and cancel all debt, and so forth. Should the EU be so heavy-handed as to send in troops or to try to expel Greece, the fight then moves to a new level: Resist the troops and refuse to accept removal from the EU even while implementing the socialistic and anti-austerity measures -- that is, to press the contradiction within the EU as a very unsteady capitalist formation. The idea would be to rally the workers throughout Europe and elsewhere to support the anti-austerity movement in Greece, and to take over the apparatus in the name of anti-austerity and socialism, not to voluntarily quit it.
Mitchel Cohen
Brooklyn Greens/Green Party
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