The Battle for the Referendum in Greece: Final Day

Crowd celebrating victory of NO vote at Syntagma

 The Final Day,  Sunday July 5, 2015: The Triumph

 By Savas Michael-Matsas

      It is a great moment for the Greek people, for all oppressed all over Europe, all over the world. OXI,  a defiant, proud, massive popular  NO  has triumphed  against the arrogant ultimatum posed by the imperialist institutions of the IMF and the EU for a permanent  barbaric austerity.

        About 62 per cent of the voters supported the NO. Only about 38 per cent voted 'Yes'.  In the working class areas the vote   was raised to an incredible 70-80 percent! The infamous leader of the  Official Right Opposition of New Democracy,  Samaras, had to resign.  

       We have experienced an unprecedented campaign of intimidation of the Greek people, orchestrated internationally by the  centers of global capital. The closure of the banks imposed by the decision of the European Central Bank to cut  liquidity the week leading up to the referendum produced enormous pressures and fear. Imperialist  blackmail was fully supported by all the Greek bourgeois opposition parties, all the bourgeois mass media, the SEV ( Confederation of Greek Industrialists), the  bankers, the trade union bureaucrats of the GSEE ( Confederation of Labor)  and ADEDY ( the Federation of  Civil Servants),  by reactionary bishops of the Church, and a reactionary  pro-EU “civil society movement” organized from above on the pattern of Euro-Maidan in Kiev. All the enemies of the working class and of the impoverished people  combined their forces to secure a victory of the Yes.  
        Among the Left, the Stalinist Communist Party boycotted  the No vote, calling for a null or abstention.

       This Unholy Alliance  failed  miserably to achieve its reactionary goals. They underestimated the strength, the anger, the resistance, the fighting capacity  of their victims: of the workers, of the millions of  jobless and pauperized people, first of all of the younger generation without a job and without a future.

          The  political turning point that demonstrated what  was boiling beneath the surface  took place the last day of the public campaign for the referendum, with the  extraordinary popular mobilization in Syntagma,  last Friday, July 3.  The real social force of historical change came into the arena of class struggle, as the real protagonist. A new phase of  revolutionary radicalization  has started and with it a new transition towards a decisive  confrontation.

          Vangelis Meimarakis, former  Chairman of the Parliament and now  interim Chairman of New Democracy,  threatened in openly class terms the victorious people, in his first  comment on the results: “ The  bourgeois class  that supported the Yes  will give its own answer if an agreement with the EU is not achieved”.

             The danger comes  not so much from the camp of  the defeated  Right  but rather from the leaders of the victorious Left.  The Syriza government made  repetitive  calls for “national unity" and for no break with the EU. Tsipras asked the President of the Republic to call a meeting of all parliamentary parties to  elaborate a common stand in future  negotiations for a “reasonable  deal” with the EU. The Syriza demands  class peace and class collaboration in conditions of an open class war.

      As the Communiqué of the Political Bureau of the EEK on the victory of the NO insists saying “No concessions, no  new retreats in front of the  class enemy, the imperialist troika and the Greek bourgeoisie! We won a battle but the class war continues until the final victory, workers power and Socialism in Greece and all over Europe!”

      A new  chapter in the history of the world capitalist crisis and social revolution  has opened. In these new conditions, the EEK is preparing to host the 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference  of social movements and  revolutionary organizations of  Europe, the Balkans and the wider Mediterranean region in Athens, on July 18-20, to elaborate collectively an analysis of the current situation, a perspective  of struggle and a common plan of action.


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