Marxism Without its Head or its Heart

Marxism Without its Head or its Heart: A Reply to David North was first published on
Permanent Revolution web site in eleven installments beginning on Sept 1, 2007.

This is our reply to a polemic by David North, Marxism, History and Socialist Consciousness.
The latter in turn was a reply to our Open Letter to the International Committee, Objectivism or Marxism.

As we explain in our document, we wrote Objectivism or Marxism only after waiting
3 years for North to reply to our two earlier documents, Frank Brenner’s To Know a Thing is to Know its End" and Alex Steiner’s The Dialectical Path of Cognition and Revolutionizing Practice.

All these documents, including North's response,  are posted on the Permanent Revolution website. The World Socialist Web Site serialized North’s polemic, which has also been published in a printed version. In the interest of readability, when quoting from North’s Marxism, History and Socialist Consciousness we provide page references to the printed version of his document rather than footnotes.

For a recent evaluation of the history and significance of this polemic see the final chapter of the Downward Spiral series,  A new stage in the degeneration of the International Committee.

For a general evaluation of the entire series of polemics with North and the ICFI, see the discussion on the 'About' page for this website.

Chapter 1: Rationalizing Objectivism and Abandoning Marxism

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