Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi's Court Statement

Jafar Panahi in Teheran this past August Note: We are reprinting in full the passionate statement issued last week by Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi to the court in Teheran. Panahi has established an international reputation based on such films as “The White Balloon,” “ Crimson Gold,” and “ Offside.” He was arrested...

On the Anniversary of the October Revolution

On this day, the 93rd anniversary of the Russian Revolution, we are publishing an excerpt from a speech given by Trotsky on the occasion of the Fifth Anniversary of the revolution.  The text is taken from the volume, The First Five Years of the Communist International, Volume 2.  This HTML version...

100th Anniversary of the October Revolution

100th Anniversary of the October Revolution
Listen to special broadcast

ΟΧΙ: Greece at the Crossroads

ΟΧΙ: Greece at the Crossroads
Essays on a turning point in Greece 2014 - 2017

Order ΟΧΙ : Greece at the Crossroads

Permanent Revolution Press

Permanent Revolution Press
Print edition of Crackpot Philosophy

Order Crackpot Philosophy

Trump and the train wreck of American liberalism

Trump and the train wreck of American liberalism
Two essays by Frank Brenner

Order PDF of 'Trump and the train wreck of American liberalism'

PDF of Brenner on Trump -$1

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